Cao Fei Dian port continues to see South American logs. The M.V. African Heron was the 3rd Uruguayan log vessel to call Cao Fei Dian arriving late January this year.
Strong wind and dense fog has seen some vessels berthing and unberthing during the recent winter months, however the port continues to function steadily.
Cao Fei Dian Port is the main entry port for majority of the break bulk cargo into Northern China – with approx. 70% arriving through that gateway. This port is the main destination for Canadian bark on logs. It housed 800K MT of softwood logs last year, 500k MT of this was from Pacific North West. The aim is to reach over a million this year.
The M.V. Heilan Spring, under charter to TPT is carrying Australian logs from Gladstone and is due to arrive mid-Feb.